Most Common Herb

Golden pothos

The Golden pothos is a popular flowering house plant that’s commonly seen in Australia, Asia, and the West Indies. It goes by many nicknames, including “devil’s ivy,” because it is so hard to kill, and can grow in the dark. Golden pothos has poisonous sap, so it should be kept away from pets and children.


Solanum lycopersicum is an annual or perennial herbaceous vine native to Central and South America that produces a large, juicy, edible fruit known as Tomato. Today there are over 10000 cultivated varieties. Although tomato is the world’s most popular vegetable, botanically it is a fruit.

Black walnut

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is a large riparian zone tree native to North America. It is cultivated for nutritious walnuts and the high-quality dark timber. Juglans nigra produces juglone, a compound that inhibits the growth of other plants in the walnut tree’s proximity, so it may be undesirable near lawns and gardens. It is susceptible to Thousand cankers disease.

Common sunflower

The Common sunflower is recognizable for its bright flower on a very tall stem. It is often grown in gardens. These flowers have been important in culture: they were worshipped by the ancient Inca people, and today, they represent eco-friendly movements. The artist Vincent Van Gogh made a famous series of paintings about Common sunflowers. Wild versions of the plant branch out to many flower heads, but domesticated plants typically only have one.

Indian shot

Despite its name, Indian shot (Canna indica) is a flowering perennial plant native to Central and South America. It has been naturalized in other parts of the world and became a popular garden plant for its large decorative leaves, fiery red blooms, and the ease of cultivation. It is a traditional minor food crop for indigenous peoples of the Americas.

English ivy

English ivy is the most common climber of European forests. It is a perennial woody vine with evergreen, dark, shiny lobed leaves. It utilizes aerial rootlets to attach to the tree bark with exceptional strength, helping the ivy creep more than 15 m up a tree. English ivy also grows as a forest groundcover and is invasive outside of its native range.


Coleus is probably best known for its beautiful multicolored foliage while it also has delicate flowers. The patterned leaves of its many variants can show off nearly every color of the rainbow. Coleus is mildly toxic if consumed, but was once used in rituals by members of the Mexican Mazatec tribe.

Basil is a species of mint plant native to Asia and Africa. It is a popular houseplant, and thrives when it receives plenty of regular sun and water. This plant is also easy to transfer from one soil environment to another. The edible Basil leaves can be eaten fresh or dried with pizza, salads, soups, teas, and many other dishes.

Common columbine

The Common columbine is a tall, flowering plant, typically with a long stem and light purple flowers. The Latin specific name for the plant, “vulgaris,” means “common,” and it comes from the fact that the plants spread easily and grow in many places around Europe. Ancient Romans considered the Common columbine to be sacred for the goddess, Venus.


The focal point of a Dieffenbachia is the beautiful look and patterns of the foliage, which are often variegated. This plant has showy white blooms, but only flowers in perfect conditions. Use caution, because the Dieffenbachia is poisonous; if the sap is ingested it can cause muteness for up to two weeks by numbing the throat and vocal cords.

Snake plant

Snake plant can be considered part house plant and part architectural display, as its sword-like leaves with bold striping patterns are distinctive and eye-catching. Use caution with this plant, however, because it is poisonous when ingested and can cause nausea, vomiting, and even swelling of the throat and tongue.

Garden phlox

The Garden phlox is a flowering plant that is native to the United States. The name, phlox, comes from the Latin for “flame,” reflecting its bright colors. Garden phlox flowers can become important food sources for insects and hummingbirds.


Impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) is flowering herbaceous plant native to Eastern Africa. Its vividly colored, elegant flowers have made it one of the most popular ornamental plants in the world. Impatiens is often used as a bedding plant in parks and gardens worldwide.

Common zinnia

The Common zinnia is a popular garden plant. It thrives in relatively dry conditions with good airflow. Garden varieties come in many colors, usually having been hybridized from different wild varieties. Common zinnias are considered an allergy-safe pollen-producing flower.

Wild carrot

The Wild carrot is a common flowering plant with light, delicate flowers. Originally native to Europe and Asia, it has also spread to North America and Australia. Studies of historical paintings suggest that the Wild carrot was cultivated in Turkey, Spain, and North Africa for centuries.