Most Common Herb

Fragrant plantain lily

The trademark feature of Asia-native plantain lilies is the numerous glossy oval leaves with deep parallel veins. The Fragrant plantain lily is additionally decorated with strongly fragrant, trumpet-shaped, large white flowers, which are unique in the genus. Hosta plantaginea is one of the favorite cultivated plants for north-facing and shady gardens, but it also tolerates high humidity and temperatures.

English ivy

English ivy is the most common climber of European forests. It is a perennial woody vine with evergreen, dark, shiny lobed leaves. It utilizes aerial rootlets to attach to the tree bark with exceptional strength, helping the ivy creep more than 15 m up a tree. English ivy also grows as a forest groundcover and is invasive outside of its native range.

Purple coneflower

Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) is an herb native to North America that flourishes in prairie environments or open wooded areas. The Purple coneflower makes a good addition to a flower bed or garden because its blooms last the whole summer and attract pollinators such as bees and hummingbirds.

Edging lobelia

Edging lobelia (Lobelia erinus) is a native South African flowering plant related to the bellflower. Edging lobelia is a popular garden plant for ornamental purposes and is often cultivated in hanging baskets and planters. Edging lobelia can be damaged by frost and cold temperatures and grows best in temperate climates.

Bearded iris

The Bearded iris is a flowering plant that appears in many different colors. It is a popular garden plant because it’s easy to grow. Though their native lands are in Europe, Bearded irises are often grown in Iranian cemeteries.

Cape marguerite

Osteospermum ecklonis, commonly known as Cape marguerite, is an evergreen, perennial small shrub with typical daisy-shaped white or purple flowers. It is cultivated as an ornamental in containers and borders. Flowers of this lovely plant are often visited by bees and other pollinators.

Didier's tulip

Garden tulip (Tulipa gesneriana) is an ornamental bulbous plant native to southwest Asia. Ottomans brought it to Europe in the 16th century, and it almost instantly became popular, especially amongst Dutchmen. Garden tulip’s showy flowers are usually red or orange, but there are also varieties with purple, pink or yellow flowers.

Serbian bellflower

The Serbian bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana) is a semi-evergreen perennial flowering plant native to the Dinaric Alps which run throughout former Yugoslavia. While there are many cultivars, the cultivar Stella has received the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.

Wax begonia

Begonia cucullata is a native of South America. It is often used as a ground cover and also does well in containers. The blossoms of Wax begonia can be red, white, or pink. In some states like Florida and Georgia, Wax begonia is considered an invasive species due to its tendency to reseed prolifically in the right conditions.

Common zinnia

The Common zinnia is a popular garden plant. It thrives in relatively dry conditions with good airflow. Garden varieties come in many colors, usually having been hybridized from different wild varieties. Common zinnias are considered an allergy-safe pollen-producing flower.

Madagascar periwinkle

The Madagascar periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) is an evergreen subshrub or herbaceous plant. It has a long history of cultivation. Over the years, many cultivars have been developed, most commonly with the aim of incorporating new colors or making the plant more tolerant to cold.

Purple heart

Tradescantia pallida is an evergreen perennial trailing plant, colloquially known as Purple heart. This beautiful perennial is famous for its spectacular deep purple, pointed leaves. Purple heart is a common houseplant, but it is also often used in landscaping as a bedding plant.

Moss rose

Moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora) is an ornamental flowering succulent native to South America. It is usually cultivated in annual flowerbeds and as a container plant. Different cultivars have been selected for achieving variation in color, shape and petal number of the flowers.

Treasure flower

Treasure flower is an ornamental native to South Africa. With one look at the flowers on this plant, you’ll understand why its common name is Treasure flower. Bi-colored and bold, Treasure flower can be found in combinations of white, orange, yellow, cream, red or pink.

Ivy-leaved cyclamen

Ivy-leaved cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium) is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranean region from France to Turkey. The Ivy-leaved cyclamen is often cultivated in gardens because it is considered the most hardy species of the cyclamens. The Latin name Cyclamen hederifolium means “ivy leaf.”