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Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes

How to Care Butterfly bushes

How to Care Butterfly bushes, Growing Butterfly bushes, Caring for Butterfly bushes

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Butterfly bushes?
How to Water Butterfly bushes?
How to Water Butterfly bushes?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Butterfly bushes?
How to Propagate Butterfly bushes?
How to Propagate Butterfly bushes?
How to Plant Butterfly bushes?
How to Plant Butterfly bushes?
How to Plant Butterfly bushes?

Key Facts About Butterfly bushes


Attributes of Butterfly bushes

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
Plant Type
Tree, Shrub

Scientific Classification of Butterfly bushes

More Info About Butterfly bushes

Types of Butterfly Bushes

Buddleja davidii 'Buzz Magenta'
Butterfly bush 'Buzz Magenta'
Butterfly bush 'Buzz Magenta', as their name suggests, regularly attract butterflies wherever they are grown. They produce nectar with high sugar levels, which brings in butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Examples were first imported from China to the UK in the 1890s but they have since been cultivated and grown globally. Their prolific flower spikes reseed easily and become semi-invasive in some areas.
Buddleja japonica
Butterfly Bush
Buddleja japonica grows to < 1.5 m in height in the wild open in habit and sparsely branched. The branches are tetragonous and winged. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate < 20 cm long by < 5 cm wide the upper surface dark green and glabrous the underside tawny felted. The flowers form dense drooping terminal panicles < 20 cm long usually pale lilac in colour from summer to fall.
Buddleja officinalis
Pole butterflybush
Pole butterflybush is a tender shrub that can be found in rocky habitats, forest edges, and cliffs in several Chinese provinces. The essential oils derived from this plant are often used in the perfume industry. Its flowers are very fragrant and attract Vanessa butterflies that feed on the flower nectar.
Buddleja davidii 'Blue Chip'
Butterfly bush 'Blue Chip'
The gracefully arched branches of the butterfly bush 'Blue Chip' are filled with tiny four-petaled lavender flowers. A point of bright orange at the center attracts butterflies to adore these beautiful bushes. This hybrid of B. 'Honeycomb’ by B. ‘Nanho Purple’ and B. lindleyana are best in small gardens and near other shrubs that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
Buddleja × weyeriana
Sungold butterfly bush
Sungold butterfly bush is a hybrid shrub distinguished by its rounded clusters of tubular flowers, which come in a palette ranging from warm yellows to soft pinks. Its elongated leaves with pointed tips crown the plant, creating a lush backdrop for the blooms. This versatile hybrid thrives in full sun to partial shade, attracting butterflies and other pollinators while being resilient to varying environmental conditions.
Buddleja lindleyana
Lindley's Butterflybush
Also called weeping butterfly bush, lindley's Butterflybush (Buddleja lindleyana) is a shrub that’s indigenous to China. The sweet-smelling flowers of this plant attract both butterflies and hummingbirds in droves. While many other plants will just wither away and die in locations with lots of sun and little shade, that’s not the case with lindley's Butterflybush.
Buddleja globosa
Orange ball tree
Orange ball tree is a large shrub that can grow up to 5 m tall, with gray fissured bark. The young branches are subquadrangular and tomentose, bearing sessile or subsessile lanceolate or elliptic leaves that are 5 to 15 cm long by 2 to 6 cm wide. The upper surface of the leaves is smooth and slightly bullate, while the lower surface is covered in fine hairs.
Buddleja davidii 'White Profusion'
Butterfly bush 'White Profusion'
The butterfly bush 'White Profusion' is a cultivar from the figwort family, named for the white flowers that bloom in abundance on this variety. This butterfly bush is favored in flower arrangements. This bush received a merit award from the Royal Horticultural Society. has the ability to attract bees and butterflies and is easy to care for. It spreads quickly and can be invasive.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Butterfly bushes
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every 1-2 weeks
Full sun
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Butterfly bushes?
How to Water Butterfly bushes?
How to Water Butterfly bushes?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Propagate Butterfly bushes?
How to Propagate Butterfly bushes?
How to Propagate Butterfly bushes?
How to Plant Butterfly bushes?
How to Plant Butterfly bushes?
How to Plant Butterfly bushes?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Butterfly bushes

Full sun
Tolerance Lighting
Partial sun
Ideal Temperature
20 - 38 ℃
Plant Type
Tree, Shrub

Scientific Classification of Butterfly bushes


Types of Butterfly Bushes

Buddleja davidii 'Buzz Magenta'
Butterfly bush 'Buzz Magenta'
Butterfly bush 'Buzz Magenta', as their name suggests, regularly attract butterflies wherever they are grown. They produce nectar with high sugar levels, which brings in butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Examples were first imported from China to the UK in the 1890s but they have since been cultivated and grown globally. Their prolific flower spikes reseed easily and become semi-invasive in some areas.
Buddleja japonica
Butterfly Bush
Buddleja japonica grows to < 1.5 m in height in the wild open in habit and sparsely branched. The branches are tetragonous and winged. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate < 20 cm long by < 5 cm wide the upper surface dark green and glabrous the underside tawny felted. The flowers form dense drooping terminal panicles < 20 cm long usually pale lilac in colour from summer to fall.
Buddleja officinalis
Pole butterflybush
Pole butterflybush is a tender shrub that can be found in rocky habitats, forest edges, and cliffs in several Chinese provinces. The essential oils derived from this plant are often used in the perfume industry. Its flowers are very fragrant and attract Vanessa butterflies that feed on the flower nectar.
Buddleja davidii 'Blue Chip'
Butterfly bush 'Blue Chip'
The gracefully arched branches of the butterfly bush 'Blue Chip' are filled with tiny four-petaled lavender flowers. A point of bright orange at the center attracts butterflies to adore these beautiful bushes. This hybrid of B. 'Honeycomb’ by B. ‘Nanho Purple’ and B. lindleyana are best in small gardens and near other shrubs that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
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