Cyclocodon requires careful attention to watering, as it thrives in moist but not waterlogged soil. It also has specific light needs, preferring bright, indirect sunlight. Additionally, cyclocodon is sensitive to sudden temperature changes and should be kept in a stable environment. Regular monitoring and adjustments are essential for this plant’s health.
Watering schedule: Twice per week
Care Difficulty | Hard |
Watering Schedule | Twice per week |
Although longleaf campanumoea is listed as endangered in Vietnam, it is increasingly sold as an ornamental worldwide, including as an indoor plant in colder climates. It has blackcurrant-like berries that are eaten by local birds and rodents, which the plant relies on to scatter its seeds.
Spiky, ombre leaves belonging to cyclocodon parviflorus can be found buried in low elevation thickets. Ranging from deep violet to ivory white, each flowers' six petals gleam against a verdant background of thick leaves.
Common issues for Cyclocodon based on 10 million real cases