Prairie clover is a resilient plant that thrives in well-drained soil and full sun. It's drought-tolerant once established, requiring minimal watering. Take care to avoid waterlogging, as prairie clover is susceptible to root rot.
Watering schedule: Every week
Sunlight Requirements: Full sun
Care Difficulty | Easy |
Lifespan | Perennial |
Watering Schedule | Every week |
Sunlight Requirements | Full sun |
Soil Type | Garden Soil |
Soil pH | 6-7 |
Hardiness Zones |
Native to central North America, purple Prairie Clover (Dalea purpurea) is a perennial herb with woody stems and several branches. It is used for revegetation on reclaimed land and also as hay for livestock. It is a vital part of prairie wildflower ecology, can fix nitrogen deficiencies in the soil, and is prized as a cover crop.
White prairie clover is a host to larvae of various butterflies and it's native to North America. This perennial flowering plant is recognizable by its erect stem, and cylindrical spikes of tiny white flowers.
Compact prairie clover (Dalea compacta) is noted as being a major attractor of native bee species. It also attracts butterflies and its seeds are a food source for some birds. It is named Compact prairie clover for its purple-pink flowers which resemble those of the clover family, trifolium.
Soft prairie clover grows in both desert and chaparral environments. The common name "soft prairie clover" comes from the thick downy fuzz that grows on the leaves and flowers alike. Its seeds form in legume pods, but each pod contains only one seed.
Common issues for Prairie clover based on 10 million real cases