Dutchman's breeches, also known as Snowboys, White hearts, Monks head, Kitten breeches, Little boys breeches
Dutchman's breeches is a low-maintenance woodland perennial suited for shaded garden areas. It thrives in cool, moist, humus-rich soil with good drainage and requires minimal care once established. Special care points include avoiding dry conditions by providing regular watering during prolonged dry periods and protecting the delicate foliage from harsh sun. No extensive fertilizing is necessary, but a balanced, slow-release fertilizer can be applied in early spring.
Watering schedule: Twice per week
Sunlight Requirements: Partial sun
Toxic to Humans
Toughness | High |
Care Level | Medium |
Care Difficulty | Easy |
Lifespan | Perennial |
Watering Schedule | Twice per week |
Sunlight Requirements | Partial sun |
Soil Type | Garden Soil |
Soil pH | 6-7 |
Planting Time | Spring |
Hardiness Zones |
Toxicity | Toxic to Humans |
Common issues for Dutchman's breeches based on 10 million real cases