Bonesets, also known as Thoroughworts
Bonesets is a straightforward plant to care for, often thriving in moist, well-drained soil and full to partial sunlight. A key care point is maintaining moisture levels, particularly during dry periods. Additionally, bonesets benefits from occasional deadheading to encourage further blooming. Overall, bonesets requires minimal intervention, making it suitable for gardeners seeking low-maintenance options.
Watering schedule: Every week
Sunlight Requirements: Full sun
Care Difficulty | Easy |
Lifespan | Perennial |
Watering Schedule | Every week |
Sunlight Requirements | Full sun |
Soil Type | Garden Soil |
Soil pH | 6-7 |
Hardiness Zones |
Dog fennel is a perennial herb that has finely divided, towering leaves that emit a scent when crushed. Its feathery foliage and clustered flowers sway delicately in the breeze, adding to its decorative appeal. Wind-blown seeds help the plant flourish throughout the field. However, it is dangerous when consumed and has been used as insecticides and fungicides.
The late boneset is a large-sized weed originates in the eastern part of the United States. It blooms in fall and produces a large amount of tiny white flower heads. It is pollinated by insects instead of wind as many Eupatorium species did, which makes it relatively less aggressive.
Hemp agrimony (Eupatorium cannabinum) is a perennial that is native to Europe and is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental plant in parts of China and North America. In summer through fall hemp agrimony produces pink or purple flowers that are highly attractive to butterflies and other pollinators.
Chinese eupatorium is a beautiful plant that is commonly planted in home gardens around the world. In China, it is cultivated for the fragrant, lavender-scented oils that are produced in the leaves. This low-maintenance perennial, Eupatorium fortunei, has existed in Chinese and Japanese culture for centuries, appearing in literature dating back to ancient times.
Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) is a perennial plant that grows as high as 61 to 122 cm tall. It propagates by producing black seeds with attached tufts of hair, which help wind carry the seeds aloft. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
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