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Little brown jug, also known as Evergreen Wild Ginger, Wild Ginger
Little brown jug requires a few specific conditions to thrive and is considered to have a moderate care difficulty level. Key care points include maintaining moist, well-drained soil that mimics its natural woodland habitat, and providing shade since little brown jug does not tolerate full sun. Avoid over-watering to prevent root rot. The environment should also be stable as little brown jug is sensitive to temperature fluctuations and must be protected from extreme conditions.
Watering schedule: Every week
Sunlight Requirements: Partial sun
Toxic to Humans
Toughness | High |
Care Level | Medium |
Care Difficulty | Moderate |
Lifespan | Perennial |
Watering Schedule | Every week |
Sunlight Requirements | Partial sun |
Soil pH | 5.5-6.5 |
Planting Time | Spring |
Hardiness Zones |
Toxicity | Toxic to Humans |
Common issues for Little brown jug based on 10 million real cases