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How to Care Rushes

How to Care Rushes, Growing Rushes, Caring for Rushes

Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full shade

Basic Care Guide

How to Water Rushes?
How to Water Rushes?
How to Water Rushes?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Rushes?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Rushes?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Rushes?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Plant Rushes?
How to Plant Rushes?
How to Plant Rushes?

Key Facts About Rushes


Attributes of Rushes

Full shade
Ideal Temperature
15 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Rushes

More Info About Rushes

Types of Rushes

Juncus effusus 'Spiralis'
Corkscrew rush
Corkscrew rush is an ornamental perennial grass. It makes a great addition to ponds since it thrives in wetland conditions, but it is also used as an indoor potted plant as well as in florists' bouquets. It does not have any leaves—only its distinctive spiraling, smooth green stem that produces flowers in the late summer.
Juncus patens
Spreading Rush
Spreading Rush is an ornamental plant great for natural wildlife gardens. It is commonly found on stream banks, but is surprisingly drought-tolerant once mature. Its seeds are highly attractive to birds and this perennial spreads through underground rhizomes.
Juncus tenuis
Poverty rush
Poverty rush (Juncus tenuis) is a grass that grows from 15 to 46 cm tall. It blooms from spring to summer with green flowers. Thrives in full sun or partial shade in a variety of soils. Commonly found growing along ponds or wetlands it is generally considered a weed. It attracts butterflies and moths.
Juncus inflexus
European meadow rush
Juncus inflexus is commonly known as the european meadow rush and is in fact native to Europe. It has also been introduced to North America and grows in moist and wet soils. It blooms from spring to summer and is mostly used in water gardens.
Juncus articulatus
Jointleaf rush
You can find jointleaf rush (Juncus articulatus) growing in many kinds of damp locations like rivers, swamps, and irrigation channels. This rush can be differentiated from similar species by its unique climbing or sprawling growth pattern. The Latin name juncus means to tie and refers to the historic use of these rushes to make cords.
Juncus ensifolius
Sword-leaved rush
It's not hard to find sword-leaved rush (*Juncus ensifolius*) growing wild, since it has spread widely and can be found growing in its favored wetland habitat across much of the world. This rush is an excellent pioneer species, and it is an important species used in the recovery of degraded wetland ecosystems. Additionally, this rush was used to teach basket weaving skills by the Karuk Native American people.
Juncus effusus
Common rush
Common rush (Juncus effusus) is a soft, grass-like clumping perennial also known as soft rush. Common rush grows well in standing water or rich moist soil. It grows in small clumps that look like tall grass and spreads by rhizomes. It can be grown in an aquatic setting or indoors as a houseplant.

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Basic Care Guide
Advanced Care
Key Facts
Similar Plants
Watering Frequency
Watering Frequency
Every week
Full shade
Instantly identify plants with a snap
Snap a photo for instant plant ID, gaining quick insights on disease prevention, treatment, toxicity, care, uses, and symbolism, etc.
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Basic Care Guide

How to Water Rushes?
How to Water Rushes?
How to Water Rushes?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Rushes?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Rushes?
What Are the Sunlight Requirements for Rushes?

Advanced Care Guide

How to Plant Rushes?
How to Plant Rushes?
How to Plant Rushes?

How to Grow and Care for Gardenia


Attributes of Rushes

Full shade
Ideal Temperature
15 - 38 ℃

Scientific Classification of Rushes


Types of Rushes

Juncus effusus 'Spiralis'
Corkscrew rush
Corkscrew rush is an ornamental perennial grass. It makes a great addition to ponds since it thrives in wetland conditions, but it is also used as an indoor potted plant as well as in florists' bouquets. It does not have any leaves—only its distinctive spiraling, smooth green stem that produces flowers in the late summer.
Juncus patens
Spreading Rush
Spreading Rush is an ornamental plant great for natural wildlife gardens. It is commonly found on stream banks, but is surprisingly drought-tolerant once mature. Its seeds are highly attractive to birds and this perennial spreads through underground rhizomes.
Juncus tenuis
Poverty rush
Poverty rush (Juncus tenuis) is a grass that grows from 15 to 46 cm tall. It blooms from spring to summer with green flowers. Thrives in full sun or partial shade in a variety of soils. Commonly found growing along ponds or wetlands it is generally considered a weed. It attracts butterflies and moths.
Juncus inflexus
European meadow rush
Juncus inflexus is commonly known as the european meadow rush and is in fact native to Europe. It has also been introduced to North America and grows in moist and wet soils. It blooms from spring to summer and is mostly used in water gardens.
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