Lobostemon requires well-drained, sandy soil and full sun exposure for optimal growth. Regular pruning is necessary to maintain its shape and promote healthy blooms. Special care should be taken to avoid overwatering, as lobostemon is sensitive to excessive moisture and potential root rot.
Watering schedule: Every 2-3 weeks
Sunlight Requirements: Full sun
Care Difficulty | Hard |
Lifespan | Annual |
Watering Schedule | Every 2-3 weeks |
Sunlight Requirements | Full sun |
Soil pH | 6-6.5 |
Pyjama bush is renowned, collected, and traditionally used for its medicinal properties within its native range. However, due to overexploitation, its numbers are declining. Although the populations are becoming scarcer and harder to come across in the wild, pyjama bush remains a popular garden plant - and the only one of its genus that can be grown with not many issues.
Lobostemon echioides is a resilient shrub distinctive for its rough, hairy leaves and vibrant blue to violet trumpet-shaped flowers. Thriving in rocky or sandy soils often found in its native South African fynbos, this plant generally flourishes in well-drained conditions and can withstand tough environments. Its blossoms, with prominent stamen filaments, attract a plethora of pollinators, playing a crucial role in its ecosystem.
Lobostemon marlothii is a robust shrub endemic to South African terrain, thriving amidst mountainous fynbos. Its striking features include tubular, iridescent flowers that range from pink to blue, with conspicuous stamens attracting various pollinators. Leathery leaves and a sturdy constitution allows lobostemon marlothii to withstand the harsh, often fire-prone conditions of its native ecosystem.
Lobostemon belliformis is a resilient shrub native to South Africa's fynbos region. It flaunts tubular flowers, shades of blue and pink, which are a magnet for pollinators. The plant thrives in nutrient-poor soils and exhibits lance-shaped, hairy leaves that adapt well to its fire-prone environment, promoting post-fire regeneration. Its hardy nature enables it to withstand harsh, dry conditions.
Lobostemon montanus is a flowering shrub native to mountainous terrains, thriving in rocky, well-drained soils. It typically exhibits a robust, bushy habit with elongated, hairy leaves arranged in spirals. The plant is distinguished by bell-shaped flowers, which bloom in vibrant hues and contrast with the green foliage, attracting pollinators and adapting lobostemon montanus well to its high-altitude niche.
Common issues for Lobostemon based on 10 million real cases