Parinari is a tropical plant known for its ornate foliage. It requires consistent moisture levels and thrives best in humid environments, making regular watering and humidity control essential. Additionally, parinari demands full sunlight or partial shade for optimal growth. Special care should be given to avoid drafts and maintain stable temperatures, as fluctuations can stress the plant.
Watering schedule: Every week
Care Difficulty | Hard |
Watering Schedule | Every week |
Soil pH | 6-7 |
Hardiness Zones |
Mobola plum is a tree species native to Africa. The fruit of the tree is a popular source of food for humans and wildlife, and is known to be rich in Vitamin C. The wood of the mobola plum is durable and has been used in furniture-making and as fuelwood.
Guinea plum is a robust tropical rainforest tree, reaching up to 30 meters in height. It has a distinctive dome-shaped crown, supporting large, leathery leaves that withstand the humid environment. The tree's bark is rough and scaly, providing camouflage and protection. It bears small, inconspicuous flowers followed by edible fruits that are a vital food source for local wildlife, contributing to the forest's intricate ecosystem.
Common issues for Parinari based on 10 million real cases