Yelloweyed grasses is relatively easy to care for. It thrives in moist, well-draining soil and requires full sun to partial shade for optimal growth. Special care points include keeping the soil consistently moist to mimic its natural wetland habitat and ensuring good air circulation to prevent fungal issues.
Watering schedule: Every week
Care Difficulty | Easy |
Lifespan | Perennial |
Watering Schedule | Every week |
Richard's yellow-eyed grass (Xyris jupicai) thrives best in exceedingly moist environments like peat bogs. It’s indigenous to eastern North America. Come autumn, the leaves of this plant turn a brilliant crimson. Its flowers open to their full glory in the morning.
Bog yellow-eyed grass (*Xyris difformis*) is found throughout the eastern United States. It grows well in wetlands such as bogs and lake shores, and it tends to tolerate acidic soil conditions. The small yellow flowers bloom throughout summer and fall.
When in bloom, the small yellow flowers of indian yellow-eyed grass (*Xyris indica*) appear to be growing atop tiny pine cones at the end of each stalk. This perennial prefers swamps and other moist habitats in subtropical Asia and Australia.
Onion grass is named pauciflora, which means few-flowered in Latin because of the single small yellow flower that appears at the end of each of the plant's few stems. This plant flowers in fall so this is the best time to seek it out in low to medium altitude subtropical habitats like valleys, fields, swamps, and similar damp locations.
Common issues for Yelloweyed grasses based on 10 million real cases