From Ground: Begin by watering the sims aeonium lightly to soften the soil around it. This makes it less likely for the roots to be damaged during removal. Using a shovel or a garden trowel, carefully dig a wide circle around the base of the plant, trying to keep the root ball intact. Then, gently ease the plant out of the hole, ensuring minimum possible damage to the roots.
From Pot: In case sims aeonium is in a pot, watering is crucial as it helps loosen the plant for easier removal. Turn the pot sideways, hold the plant gently by its stems, and tap the bottom of the container until the plant slides out. If this doesn’t work, you may need to break the pot.
From Seedling Tray: To remove sims aeonium seedlings, water the tray first. Then, hold the leaf, not the stem, and gently ease the seedling out of the cell using a small, blunt tool like a popsicle stick.