From Ground: Start by watering the bottlebrush buckeye plant to soften the soil. Then, using your spade or garden shovel, carefully dig around the base of the bottlebrush buckeye plant, keeping the root ball intact. Once you have undercut around the plant, gently lift it out from the ground.
From Pot: Water the plant a day before the transplant. On the day of transplanting, carefully tip the pot on its side and gently slide out the plant along with the root ball. Be cautious not to damage the root system.
From Seedling Tray: The bottlebrush buckeye seedling should be watered before transplanting. To remove, gently squeeze the bottom of the cell while tugging at the base of the seedling. The entire plant, including the roots, should slide out. Handle it by the leaves to avoid damage to the stem or roots.