From Ground: Start by well watering the yellow giant hyssop to moisten the soil. Then, using a shovel or spade, dig a generous trench around the plant, ensuring the plant's root ball remains intact. With care, work the spade under the root ball to lift the plant from its original location. You want to retain as much as the root ball as possible. If the root system is particularly extensive, use a gardening fork to assist in the process.
From Pot: Water the pot generously, then tip it sideways and apply gentle pressure to the base of the pot. The yellow giant hyssop should slide out, along with the clump of soil. Avoid gripping or pulling the plant by the stem.
From Seedling Tray: Similar to the potted plant, water the seedling tray well. Gently grasp the stem of the yellow giant hyssop seedling and coax it out of its cell, carefully ensuring it comes out along with its root ball and soil clump.