From Ground: First step is to water the long-stamen chive to moisten the soil around it. This eases the removal process and reduces the stress on the plant. Using a garden fork or a spade, gently loosen the soil around the plant, making sure to start a fair distance away to avoid damaging the roots. Then, work your tool under the long-stamen chive and gradually lift it out of the ground.
From Pot: Begin by watering your long-stamen chive. Then, turn the pot sideways while supporting the plant with your other hand. Gently pull the plant out while easing off the container with minimal disruption to the roots. If the plant refuses to come out, you may need to cut the pot away.
From Seedling Tray: Water your seedlings well. Using a dibber or similar tool, loosen the soil at the edge of the seedling cell. Gently grab the long-stamen chive from its base and lift it, trying not to damage the delicate roots.