From Ground: Firstly, water the ramson plant thoroughly to moisten the roots and surrounding soil. This will make it easier to remove with less chance of damaging the root system. Next, using a shovel or spade, gently dig around the plant, enough to capture the main root system and some of the surrounding soil. Once you've dug around the plant, carefully lift it by the root ball using your spade.
From Pot: Water the plant just enough to dampen the root ball. With your gloves on, carefully tip the pot on its side, and support the plant with one hand. Use your other hand to carefully slide the pot away. If it's stuck, you may need to tap the bottom of the pot lightly.
From Seedling Tray: Fill your bucket or wheelbarrow with water. Submerge the seedling tray, and let it soak until the soil is thoroughly moist. Once soaked, gently remove the ramson seedlings by carefully lifting the root ball.