From Ground: Begin by watering the silver tree-fern deeply to prepare it for transplanting and to dampen the soil, making it easier to dig up. Next, dig a wide circle around the plant using a shovel or spade, ensuring the root ball remains intact. Carefully work the tool underneath the root ball to lift the plant from its original location. Place the plant gently in a wheelbarrow or onto a tarp for transport.
From Pot: Water the silver tree-fern well and allow the water to drain. Tip the pot sideways and gently pull the plant by its base, sliding it out. If the plant is stuck, tap the sides of the pot to loosen the soil. Avoid pulling on the stem or leaves.
From Seedling Tray: Saturate the tray with water. Use a spoon or small tool to carefully lift the seedlings, making sure to scoop up the roots and soil. Handle the seedlings by their leaves to avoid damaging the stems.