- From Ground: To remove the heart of jesus plant from the ground, first water the area around the base of the plant to moisten the soil. Use a garden fork to loosen the soil around the plant, taking care not to damage the roots. Dig a wide trench around the heart of jesus plant using a shovel or spade, making sure to keep the root ball intact. Carefully work the spade under the root ball and lift the plant from its original location.
- From Pot: To remove the heart of jesus plant from a pot, water the soil in the pot until it is moist. Place one hand on the soil surface, holding onto the plant's base, and carefully invert the pot, allowing the plant to slide out of the container. Lightly tap the pot to release the plant if necessary. Be gentle to avoid damaging the roots.
- From Seedling Tray: To remove the heart of jesus plant from a seedling tray, water the tray to moisten the soil around the seedlings. Gently loosen the soil and roots by pressing on the bottom of the tray or poking a finger through the drainage holes. Use a small tool like a butter knife to separate individual heart of jesus plants without damaging the roots.