From Ground: To remove the mockernut hickory plant from the ground, water it well a day or so before you plan to transplant. Using a shovel or spade, dig around the root ball, leaving enough room to encompass the roots without damaging them. Loosen the soil and carefully work your tool underneath to lift the plant out gently.
From a Pot: If your mockernut hickory plant is in a pot, water it thoroughly the day before transplanting. Turn the pot upside down while supporting the plant with one hand, then give it a little shake until the plant comes out. Try to keep the root ball intact.
From a Seedling Tray: If the mockernut hickory tree is a seedling, it's best to transplant it when it's 2-3 inches tall. Water the seedling tray well to loosen the soil, and gently lift the seedling from beneath the stem base and roots.