From Ground: Water the honeywort plant well to help loosen the soil around the roots. Dig a wide trench around the plant using the shovel, leaving enough room to prevent damaging the root system. Carefully lift up the root ball from underneath using the garden fork, ensuring not to break any roots. Gently rinse off any remaining soil to prepare the plant for transplanting.
From Pot: Water the pot thoroughly to make removing the plant easier. Tilt the pot sideways, apply gentle pressure on the sides and roll it to loosen the soil. Carefully lift out the plant, ensuring not to damage the roots. Clean any remaining soil from the roots.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray prior to removal. Use a trowel to gently scoop the honeywort plant out of the tray, being careful not to disturb the roots too much. Clean off any excess soil from the roots.