From Ground: Initially, water the purple hyacinth-flower clematis plant to make the soil around its roots damp. Then dig a trench around the plant using a shovel or spade, but be careful to ensure that the root-ball remains undisturbed. Gradually wedge the spade under the root-ball to gently lift the plant out of the ground.
From Pot: Water the purple hyacinth-flower clematis well, until the water comes out of the drainage holes. Once the soil is damp, gently tip the pot sideways while supporting the plant in your hand. With your other hand, ease the root-ball out of the pot. Always try to handle by the root-ball, and not by the stems to avoid damage.
From Seedling Tray: Moisten the soil around the purple hyacinth-flower clematis seedling then gently tease the plant out of the cell or pot using a seedling dibber or a narrow implement. Ensure to lift the seedling by its leaves to minimise damage to the delicate stem.