From Ground: Water the golden marguerite plant deeply the day before the planned move to reduce stress and to make the soil more pliable. Use a shovel or spade to dig a wide ring around the golden marguerite, far enough away from the base to avoid damaging the root ball. Push the spade underneath the root ball and lift the plant carefully. Avoid tugging or pulling harshly to prevent damage to the plant.
From Pot: Water the golden marguerite thoroughly so the soil is moist, but not soaking, to keep the root system intact during the transplant. Wear gloves and flip the pot upside down while holding your hand over the soil surface. Tap the bottom and sides of the pot gently to dislodge the plant. Never pull the plant by the stem.
From Seedling Tray: Fill a cup or small pot with potting soil. Make a hole with your finger or a tool about the size of the seedling's root ball. Use a transplant trowel or small spoon to carefully scoop the seedling from the tray, being careful not to damage the roots or stem. Hold the seedling by its leaves, not its stem.