From Ground: Start by watering the american smoketree plant to moisten the soil around the roots. Use a spade or shovel to carefully dig around the plant, keeping a safe distance from the base to protect the root ball. Gradually work the shovel under the plant, making sure not disturb too much of the root system. Once the plant and root ball are loosely in the hole, carefully lift the plant out of the ground.
From Pot: Water the american smoketree plant thoroughly before beginning the transplantation process. Tip the pot on its side and gently tap it to loosen the soil and the plant. If the plant doesn't slide out easily, you can carefully run a flat blade around the edge of the pot to help ease it out.
From Seedling Tray: Wait until the american smoketree seedlings have at least two true leaves before transplanting. Water the seedlings, then carefully tease them out of the tray, making sure to hold them by the leaves, not the stem or roots, to minimize damage.