From Ground: First, water the cockspur hawthorn plant to dampen the soil. Then, using a shovel or spade, dig a wide trench around the plant ensuring the plant's root ball remains intact. Loosen the soil around the roots and carefully work the spade under the root ball to lift the plant from its original location. Reach down and cup the root ball, then lift the plant from the ground. Handle the plant carefully to avoid damaging the roots.
From Pot: If cockspur hawthorn is in a pot, water it thoroughly until water exits the drainage holes. Tilt the pot and carefully slide out the plant, ensuring not to pull on the main stem as this can damage the plant. If the roots are bound tightly in the shape of the original pot, gently tease them loose to encourage them to spread out in their new location.
From Seedling Tray: Wet the soil in the tray to make it easier to get the cockspur hawthorn out. Take a tool like a spoon or a small shovel to scoop out the soil and the plant together. Be very gentle to avoid damaging the roots or breaking the stem.