From Ground: Water the lindleys dendrobium plant a day before transplanting to make the soil moist, which will minimise root damage while digging it out. Then, using the garden spade, dig a circuitous trench around the plant, keeping a decent margin from the base of the plant to ensure the root ball remains intact. Gradually work the spade underneath the plant, lifting the plant and root ball out of the soil.
From Pot: Water your lindleys dendrobium plant properly a few hours before the transplanting process. Tip the pot sideways, hold the plant gently by its stem base, and apply a slight tapping or shaking action to slide it out. Try not to tug onto its stem or leaves.
From Seedling Tray: If you're dealing with a seedling, ensure the seedlings are well-watered before transplanting. The simplest method to remove a seedling is to turn the tray upside down, supporting the seedlings and growing medium in the process. Then, with a gentle pat or shake of the tray, the seedlings along with its soil should slide out and can be separated gently for transplanting.