From Ground: Begin by watering the blue globe thistle plant to moisten the soil around it. This makes it easier to dig the plant out. Use your spade or garden trowel to dig a concentric circle around the plant, ensuring that the root ball of the plant remains intact. Slowly work the spade or trowel underneath the root ball to lift the entire plant. Place it on a wheelbarrow or tarp for transportation.
From Pot: First, water your potted blue globe thistle plant. Tip the pot on its side and lightly tap around to loosen the soil and roots. Carefully slide the blue globe thistle plant out of the pot. If it is resistant, you may have to break the pot.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray and use a spoon or similar tool to scoop out the seedling by digging a circle around it, ensuring that roots remain intact. Gently lift it by holding the leaves and not the stem.