From Ground: Water the florida tasselflower first to dampen its soil. As plants are easier to move if their soil is just a bit wet, this also helps to keep the root ball intact. Use a shovel or spading fork to dig a wide trench around the plant and gently work it under the root ball to lift the plant.
From Pot: Water your florida tasselflower plant before trying to remove it from its pot. Hold the plant at its base, then upside down and gently tap on the bottom of the pot. The plant should slide out easily. If not, run a knife or other thin object around the interior edge of the pot to loosen the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: Fill a larger pot or ground hole with soil. With a spoon or similar tool, carefully dig out the florida tasselflower seedling, ensuring you get as much of the root as possible. Handle the seedling by the leaves rather than the stem, which is more fragile.