From Ground: Start by watering your columbian guzmania plant to dampen the soil. This will make it easier to dig up. Use a shovel or spade to dig a hole around the plant with a sufficient radius to get all the roots of the plant. Once this circle has been dug, dig underneath the root ball and carefully lift the plant out of its original location.
From Pot: If the columbian guzmania is currently in a pot, start by gently tipping the pot sideways. You might need to tap or lightly shake the sides of the pot to loosen the soil and roots. Be careful not to pull the plant out forcefully, as this could damage it.
From Seedling Tray: If columbian guzmania is in a seedling tray, first make sure the soil is moist. Carefully hold the base of the stem and gently lift the plant. If it doesn't come out easily, you can use a spoon or small tool to help lift the soil and roots without damaging the plant.