From Ground: If your kankakee mallow is already growing in the ground, start by generously watering the soil around it. This makes digging easier and helps to preserve more of the root system. Use a spade to carefully dig a generous circle around the kankakee mallow, ensuring to keep as much of the root ball intact as possible. Gently work the spade under the root ball, then lift your kankakee mallow plant from its current location.
From Pot: Begin by watering the kankakee mallow in the pot, as a moist root ball makes the plant easier to remove. Turn the pot on its side, then gently coax your kankakee mallow out of the pot. It's important to avoid pulling the plant out by its stem or leaves.
From Seedling Tray: Water your kankakee mallow seedlings in their tray to moisten the soil which makes removal easier. Hold the stem at the base of your seedling and gently push up through the hole at the bottom of the tray. The entire seedling including the roots, soil, and possibly a portion of the tray will come up into your hand.