From Ground: First, water the japanese Iris plant to soften the soil around the roots. Then, using a shovel or spade, dig out a wide circle around the plant to reveal the entire root system. Carefully work your shovel underneath the root ball and lift it out of the ground, taking care not to damage the root system.
From Pot: If the japanese Iris is being transplanted from a pot, water the plant first to moisten the soil. Then, gently tilt the pot sideways and ease the plant and its root ball out. If the plant is stuck, you may need to run a knife around the inside edge of the pot to loosen it.
From Seedling Tray: If you're transplanting japanese Iris seedlings, ensure they are well-watered before starting. Gently remove the seedling from the tray by supporting its root ball and take care not to damage the young roots.