From Ground: Begin by watering the formosan juniper plant, ensuring the soil is damp but not over-watered. Use a spade or shovel to dig a wide ring around the plant, leaving enough room to retain the entire root ball. Lift the plant gently with the spade, making sure not to break off any roots.
From Pot: First, water the plant adequately. Then, turn the pot upside down while supporting the formosan juniper plant with your other hand. Gradually ease the plant out, ensuring that you don't yank it out. If the plant doesn’t slide out easily, tap the sides of the pot to loosen the soil.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray well and let it sit for a few minutes. Hold the formosan juniper plant by its leaves and not its stem as you gently pull it out. If the seedling doesn't come out easily, push it up from the bottom.