From Ground: Start out by watering the soil lightly to make it easier for you to extract golden spider-lily, but avoid making it soggy. Once the soil is damp, use a trowel or spade to dig around the golden spider-lily carefully. Keep digging until you can gently lift the entire root ball of the plant out of the ground.
From a Pot: Begin by watering the golden spider-lily lightly to loosen the soil. Turn the pot sideways and gently pull out the golden spider-lily plant by holding onto its base, not the stem. If it does not budge, lightly tap on the sides of the pot to help free the plant's roots.
From a Seedling Tray: Fill a larger pot with potting soil. Make a hole in the soil big enough for the golden spider-lily seedling's root ball. Gently lift the seedling from the tray by holding onto its leaves, not the stem. Place the seedling in the hole you dug in the soil of the larger pot.