From Ground: Firstly, make sure you water the amur maackia plant well to moisten the soil. This will make the removal process easier and less stressful for the plant. After this, dig a wide circle around the plant with a shovel or spade, ensuring you're far enough away not to harm the root system. Gradually work your spade under the root ball, being careful not to chop through any roots. Once you feel the roots are free, carefully lift the plant from the ground, ensuring the root ball remains intact.
From Pot: For plants in a pot, watering well beforehand also applies. Then, gently tip the pot to its side and carefully pull out the plant, making sure to support the root ball so it doesn't break apart. If the plant is stuck, you may need to tap the sides of the pot to loosen it.
From Seedling Tray: For young, delicate seedlings in a tray, use a small tool, like a spoon, to lift out the soil and roots around each seedling. Always handle by the leaves, not by the stem which can be easily damaged.