From Ground: First, water the edible banana plant to dampen the soil. Then, dig a wide trench around the plant using a shovel or spade, ensuring the plant's root ball remains intact. You might need to prune the roots if they are overly large, using
pruning shears.Be careful and avoid damaging the roots. Once you've fully unearthed the root ball, move it into your prepared bucket or tub.
From Pot: Again, begin by
watering your edible banana, then turn the pot sideways, hold your edible banana close to the base and gently try to pull and twist to dislodge it. If the edible banana is stuck, you might need to tap the bottom of the pot to loosen the soil and roots. Once it comes out, place it carefully in the bucket, making sure not to damage the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: As the edible banana in the seedling tray is small, you should be able to lift it out easily. If it resists, turn the tray upside-down and gently tap it until the edible banana comes free, then transplant it directly to the prepared hole.