From Ground: First, water the cow lily plant to dampen the soil, this will prevent root damage and make the extraction process easier. Use a garden fork to loosen the soil around the plant, working carefully to avoid damage to the roots. Use your spade or shovel to dig around the plant, ensuring you dig deep enough to keep the root ball intact. Carefully lift the plant from the ground using the spade, supporting the root ball as much as possible.
From Pot: It's best to water the plant a few hours before the transplant process. Tip the pot upside down while holding the cow lily plant at the base and give it a shake. The plant along with the soil should slide out. If it's stubborn, you may need to tap the pot on the ground.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray thoroughly before attempting to remove a seedling. Moisten the soil until it's damp but not soaked. Gently lift the seedling by its leaves rather than its stem to avoid damage. If it's resistant, you can also use a small utensil or stick to lever it out.