From Ground: Initially, water the soil around white egyptian lotus to help loosen the root system. Use a spade to slowly dig around the plant, making sure that you’re not cutting up roots. Once you’ve dug a wide enough trench, angle the spade underneath to lift the plant. Be gentle, ensuring the root system remains intact.
From Pot: If white egyptian lotus is in a pot, watering a few hours before transplanting can make the process easier. Turn the pot sideways, hold gently and tap the edge on a hard surface, this can help loosen the soil and slide out the plant. Avoid pulling the plant to prevent root damage.
From Seedling Tray: If white egyptian lotus is in a seedling tray, it’s important to be gentle. Use a small implement like a spoon handle to carefully dislodge the seedling. Remember to handle the seedling by its leaves, never by its stem.