From Ground: Begin by watering the water snowflake a day before the transplant, this will ensure the plant is hydrated and the soil is easier to work with. Using your shovel, dig a circle around the plant, taking care to cut wider rather than close to avoid damaging the roots. Gently work your shovel underneath the root ball and carefully lift the plant out of the ground.
From Pot: Water the plant and let it settle. Invert the pot, hold your hand over the surface with stems between fingers to catch the soil, and the plant. Give a mild shake to the inverted pot to slide the plant out along with its soil. Avoid tugging too hard, as this could damage the plant.
From Seedling Tray: Water the seedling tray. Carefully lift the water snowflake plant, ensuring you get the roots and attached soil. It's often easier to push from below the tray cell to remove the water snowflake.