From Ground: Water the largeleaf Phlox plant a few hours before the planned removal time to make the soil easier to work with. Dig a wide circumference around the plant with your shovel or spade, allowing space to keep the root ball intact. Carefully lift the plant from the soil, ensuring minimal damage to the roots.
From Pot: Water the largeleaf Phlox if the soil appears dry. Overturn the pot gently and tap it to encourage the largeleaf Phlox to slide out naturally. If this doesn't work, you may need to use your garden knife to carefully cut around the edge of the pot.
From Seedling Tray: If largeleaf Phlox is growing in a seedling tray, ensure the soil is moist then gently lift the seedling by holding onto its leaves and using a garden trowel or a small spoon to scoop it out.