From Ground: First, water the prickly rose plant to soften the soil around the roots. Using your shovel or spade, dig a hole around the plant's drip line, making sure to create a sufficiently wide radius to preserve as many roots as possible. Carefully work the tool under the root ball to gently lift the plant from its original location. Place the plant on a tarp or inside a wheelbarrow for transport, supporting it with a soft cloth if necessary.
From Pot: Water the pot thoroughly. To remove the plant, slip your hand over the top of the pot, holding the prickly rose plant stem between your fingers. Turn the pot upside down and give it a gentle tap to help the prickly rose slide out. If the plant seems stuck, gently squeeze the sides of the pot to loosen it.
From Seedling Tray: Water the tray and then push up from the bottom of each cell or use a clean tool like a popsicle stick to carefully lift out each prickly rose seedling. Be gentle as the seedlings are fragile.