From Ground: Begin by thoroughly
watering the yellow trumpetbush plant one day before you plan to relocate it. This ensures the root ball remains intact during removal. On the day of removal, dig a trench around the plant using the shovel, taking care to avoid damaging the roots. Slowly work the shovel underneath the root ball and lift sharply, freeing the yellow trumpetbush from its original location.
From Pot: Again, it's a good idea to water the yellow trumpetbush one day prior to removal. Invert the pot while lightly tapping the bottom to release the plant along with its root ball. Be gentle during this process to avoid root damage.
From Seedling Tray: The yellow trumpetbush seedlings are ready for transplantation once they've 2-3 leaves each. Water them thoroughly, then gently remove the seedling along with the clump of soil by making a hole at the bottom of the tray compartment.