From Ground: To begin removing uebelmannia buiningii from the ground, ensure the soil around the plant is sufficiently moist by watering it a day prior. Gently dig around the base of the plant using a garden knife, making sure you give enough clearance to not injury the plant's roots. Carefully leverage the plant upward, taking care to keep the root system intact.
From Pot: Start by watering the potted uebelmannia buiningii thoroughly a day before the planned transplant. This helps the plant come out more easily. Turn the pot sideways, hold the plant steady and gently tap the base of the pot to release it. Be gentle to avoid damage to the root ball.
From Seedling Tray: Once the uebelmannia buiningii has developed a strong root path, it is ready to be removed from the seedling tray. Gently squeeze the tray cell, or use a utensil to help nudge the seedling out, making sure the root system is undamaged.