From Ground: To begin removing european Speedwell from its original ground location, start by generously watering the plant to loosen the soil. Then, use a garden shovel to carefully dig around the plant, keeping a good distance from the stem to avoid damaging the roots. Work the shovel under the root ball and gently lift the plant from the ground, keeping as much of the root ball intact as possible.
From a Pot: If european Speedwell is currently in a pot, the process is somewhat simpler. Water the plant well and then invert the pot, gently tapping on the bottom until the plant and soil slide out. Be cautious not to pull the plant out forcefully as it could damage the roots.
From Seedling Tray: To remove european Speedwell from a seedling tray, start by watering the plant thoroughly. Gently squeeze the base of the cell to loosen the soil, then carefully pull out the seedling by holding onto one of its leaves, not the stem which can be easily damaged.