What type of fertilizer does my Lamb's-ear need?
Fortunately, choosing the best fertilizer for a Lamb's-ear is a very straightforward task. These plants will thrive on a general-purpose garden fertilizer that has equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. A fertilizer that has a ratio of 10-10-10 or something similar will be very effective. When in doubt, be sure to avoid fertilizers that have high amounts of nitrogen. Most of the best fertilizer for a Lamb's-ear will come in a granular form. These fertilizers should be slow-release and will be very easy to apply to the soil. It can also be helpful to feed your Lamb's-ear using an organic soil amendment such as compost.
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A species of Hedgenettle, also known as Lamb's wool, Woolly hedgenettle, Woolly betony
Botanical name: Stachys byzantina
Genus: Hedgenettle
Lamb's-ear (Stachys byzantina) is an evergreen perennial with showy velvety leaves that look like the ear of a lamb. Pinkish purple flower spikes bloom from spring to summer. Flowers are fuzzy and make a nice focal point but can be trimmed off to promote better foliage growth. It is drought tolerant and requires well-drained soil. Thrives in full sun to partial shade and will grow from 30 to 46 cm tall when in bloom.
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