Plumeless thistless are flowering plants also known as plumeless thistles. The Latin name comes from the word card, which is a spiked device used to comb fiber. Their flower heads are usually purple, pink, or white. These plants are often toxic or noxious and are considered to be invasive weeds in many parts of the world.
Originating from temperate regions, plumeless thistles thrives with moderate moisture and a consistent weekly watering schedule. It prefers well-draining soil and is resilient outdoors, adapting to varying rainfall but needing extra care during prolonged dry periods to maintain vigor.
Propagation of plumeless thistles is mainly through seed sowing under full sun, at 15-20°C (59-68°F), in well-drained soil. Handle seeds carefully due to their spiny nature, ensuring good contact. Keep soil moist until germination; thin seedlings and transplant if grown in pots.
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