Cipadessa is a monotypic genus. It is a small shrub with only 5 m tall. Leaves compound, imparipinnate; lamina elliptic, apex acute to acuminate; base acute, cuneate or attenuate with entire margin. Flowers are white colored and show axillary panicles inflorescence. Fruit is a globose drupe with 5 pyrenes. The species is endemic to Western Ghats of India and Sri Lanka.
Adapted to infrequent watering, cipadessa requires hydration every 2-3 weeks, showcasing drought tolerance. Thriving outdoors, it is ideal for regions with irregular rain patterns, ensuring survival even during water scarcity.
Propagation of cipadessa involves seed sowing and stem cuttings, requiring light, warmth, and well-draining soil. Key steps include scarifying seeds, using rooting hormone for cuttings, and maintaining humidity. Challenges include seed dormancy and rooting difficulties. Transplant seedlings or cuttings when prepared.
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