The stem is thin and branches at the base to form a bundle, the lower part spreads sideways and rises at the tip to a height of 10 to 30 cm. Crawling stems take roots from nodes. The leaves are opposite, with a 5 to 15 mm petiole. The leaf blades are oval, 1 to 3 cm long, 8 to 20 mm wide, with no sharp tips, rounded base, and almost no hair. The edges have 5-6 blunt saw teeth on both sides. The inflorescence rises from the tip of the stem and leaves, and the upper one is 1 to 5 cm long. The rotundation inflorescence, that is, the steps of the inflorescence stems are stepped, and a plurality of flowers are born on each step. This rot is also a temporary ring, that is, it looks like a rot by the appearance of multiple flower points. Wrinkles are 3 to 4 mm long and have short hairs on the veins. The corolla is 5 to 6 mm long, lip-shaped and light red.