Duckweeds (Lemna) are fast-growing plants that float freely just beneath the water surface. This genus contains some of the smallest flowering plants around the world. They produce new offshoots rapidly, and although their denseness is a nuisance to humans, it's a great food source for fish and waterfowl.
Thriving in nutrient-rich, slow-moving freshwater, duckweeds excels with a high surface area to volume ratio. Weekly watering is sufficient to prevent waterlogging. Usually grown outdoors, duckweeds forms dense colonies, influencing aquatic ecosystems by affecting light and gas exchange.
Propagating duckweeds involves vegetative means, typically through fragmentation. Key steps include selecting a healthy cluster, dividing it, and placing sections in nutrient-rich still water. Ensure bright light and warm temperatures while regularly monitoring nutrient levels and water quality to prevent overcrowding for optimal growth.
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