Hawkbits are perennial herbs characterized by rosette-shaped leaves with a rough, hairy surface and unbranched stalks topped with yellow, dandelion-like flowers that bloom in summer and early autumn. They are native to Eurasia and North Africa and are usually found in pastures along the ocean shore and openings in oak forests.
Originating from temperate regions, hawkbits prefers moderate moisture and consistent soil hydration, ideally needing weekly watering. Best cultivated outdoors, it benefits from natural rainfall and seasonal temperature variations, aligning its growth cycle with water availability and proving resilient in temperate gardens.
Propagation of hawkbits is primarily via seed sowing in spring using well-draining soil. Sow seeds on the surface without covering, maintaining moisture. Additionally, propagate by division in autumn every few years. Difficulty is moderate, with consistent germination and care essential for success.
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