With the McIntosh and Red delicious as parents, it's no wonder the apples 'Empire' has a similar brilliant red skin, though not as thick as that of the Red delicious and with slight green tinging like the McIntosh. Slightly smaller than the parents with a sweet and tart crispy interior, they are a good for making apple sauce or adding to a nice salad.
Water apples 'Empire' within two days of transplanting, ensuring complete saturation. After ten days, water again as needed, avoiding excess. In winter, water every 3-5 days; in summer, every 1-2 days. Morning watering is ideal, and avoid watering on rainy days to prevent root rot.
Apples 'Empire' thrives with a balanced application of organic and quick-acting fertilizers, particularly in fall for optimal rooting. Additional applications are advised before spring budding and as fruit begins to develop. Creating a 30 cm soil ditch around the trunk for even fertilizer distribution is essential.
Apples 'Empire' should be pruned in early spring to encourage growth and fruiting. Remove dead or crossing branches and thin the canopy for light and air circulation. Maintain shape for easier harvesting. Use clean, sharp tools to enhance fruit quality and reduce disease risk.
To propagate apples 'Empire', cut the seedling before spring budding or after leaf drop in autumn/winter. Detach the roots and transplant into new pots or pits for successful growth.
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